Yes, you read it right. Stop polluting Gravity.
So here’s the deal. Gravity. You probably have heard of it.
Yes? It’s what holds the universe together, bruh. Locally, it’s what keeps you
from flying off the face of the Earth. It's also that pesky thing that makes things break when you drop them.
We all know about Gravity. And, how it works. If you’ve ever
dropped one of Mama’s prized teacups and it breaks on the floor, you know from
Gravity. Heck, every kid at a very early age who played at stacking blocks — and who
hasn’t — knows about Gravity. Maybe not in words, or even the whys and wherefores;
but, on a preverbal level: them blocks gotta stack up straight if you want them
to stay stacked up. Capeesh, Italiane?
So, now that we’re on the same page about how Gravity is, what’s
the skinny on “polluting Gravity”? Maybe better to put it, wasting Gravity. “Disturbing” would also fit. Actually, "ignoring" and "not appreciating" can go on the list of pollutants.
Let’s first talk “pollution”. Pollution is simply what when you
put something in whatever you have that don’t belong. A pollutant is that what is
harmful to what you put it in. Nasty. Unhealthy. Dangerous. Like plastic in the
oceans. There’s the soot and foul gasses in the air. And, the poisonous
chemicals in the dirt. Lead in the water. Like that.
If you’re paying attention, you may have an idea that it’s a big
deal. Silent Spring-time. If you haven’t heard of the Club of Rome, get on
board. They called the alarm way back in the early 1970s.
Now, Gravity. Gravity is a field. As such it surrounds the Earth. It
is constant, ever-present. Ineluctable. [That last big word means that it
cannot be denied.] Yet … yet, we are inured to it. [That is, we’re accustomed
to it; so much so that we don’t notice it.]
The human body also has/is an energy field. The human energy field
should be in synch with the Gravitational field. No? Who would argue that? Like
in water, the proper relationship for fish and humans is the same … you swim.
So, how do you swim in Gravity?
If you asked a fish about the water, they’d say, “What water?”.
Gravity for humans is like water for fish. When’s the last time someone asked
you “how ya doin’ with Gravity?”. Never.
So then, how to be “in
synch” with Gravity? Better, why that be importante. Since we know that structures need to be stacked up and be level to endure under the influence of Earth’s
Gravitational Field, we build things “plumb and square.” Those stack of blocks,
writ large.
And … and, same for how our body stacks up. By design and the laws
of Physics we know the human body is supposed to be stacked up vertically,
symmetrical [even] side to side, and level [the major segments placed horizontal
front to back. Think of the pelvis like a bowl; needs to be level to hold its
contents. Not like so often, tipped forward.]
So how do you pollute Gravity? By living out of sorts with the
basic and obvious need to be balanced in the makeup of the body. The Leaning
Tower of Pisa is a quaint tourist destination. It’s a major polluter of
Gravity. Gravity has feelings too. When you’re off-kilter, Mother Nature is
offended. It harshes the vibe, bruh! Like how sloshing your hand in that still
pond sends vibes through, and all the fishies get all upset and all. You’re
rocking the boat, so to speak. Don’t do that!
What to do? This is a big subject.
As you can see from here I got plenty to say. So let’s cut to the chase. What to do? Take steps to be sure
your body is in balance. Balance according to the dictates of Gravity. I’m a
professional in the field of balancing the body with the Gravitational field of
the Earth. Don’t call me! First … see if living in simple alignment and balance
with the pull of Gravity is something you see as valuable. Something you want
for yourself. Then, give me a call.
You got children? They grow bigger and stronger automatically.
Balance in the structure of their body has a large learning component. You send
them to school to learn how to operate in the world, in society, in whatever
area of interest they will explore. How about schooling in the basic use of
their body. Not some didactic set of concepts and explanations. But, ingrained
into their very tangible bodily sense.
Living in balance with Gravity. It’s good for you. In general. And
for performance and full expressiveness. Oh, and, it feels good!
Dig it! Don’t waste it.
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